Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Population

Population in Urban Area, now

  • World: 83rd
  • Africa: 10th
  • Ethiopia: 1st

Population in City Area, 2022-03-07

  • World: 96th
  • Africa: 13th
  • Ethiopia: 1st

Addis Ababa Urban Area Population Graph

Addis Ababa Population Review

The city of Addis Ababa is the capital and largest city in the country of Ethiopia. Located in the center of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa (also known as Finfinne) currently has a population of 4.8 million people in the urban area and 2.7 million people in its city area. Addis Ababa is a chartered city and also serves as the capital of the Oromia Region, the homeland of the Oromo people. The city is a few miles west of the East African Rift, which splits the country in two.

Considered the political capital of Africa, Addis Ababa is where the African Union is headquartered and where the Organization of African Unity was once based. It is also the location for the United Nations Economic Commission of Africa. This has given the city political and diplomatic significance in the continent.

Child poverty in the city

While Ethiopia overall struggles with extreme poverty and child poverty, Addis Ababa has some of the lower rates in the country with only 18% of children living in poverty. This is in contrast to the country’s overall rate of child poverty, which shows that 88% of Ethiopian children live in poverty. This directly contributes to a high infant mortality rate of 45 infant deaths per 1,000 live births. While this is less than the nationwide average of 77 deaths per 1,000 live births, it is still much higher than many other locations in the world. On average, at least half of these deaths occurred in the infants’ first month.

One of the highest capital cities

Addis Ababa sits at an impressive elevation of 7,726 feet above sea level. This makes it one of the highest elevations of any capital city in the world, and the highest in Africa. Travelers coming to Addis Ababa are warned that they may experience altitude sickness and shortness of breath when spending a few days in the city. The other highest capital cities include: Bogota, Colombia and Quito, Ecuador.

A varied ethnic breakdown

Addis Ababa serves as the country’s capital, which means that almost all of Ethiopia’s ethnic groups are represented in the city to some extent. However, the largest groups include the Amhara at almost half the population with 47%. The Oromo people are 19% of the population, and the Gurage people are 16% of the population. The rest of the city is split between the Tigrayan, the Silt’e and the Gamo people.

The major languages also reflect the country’s major ethnic groups, with Amharic, Afaan Oromo, and Gurage the most spoken mother tongues.

The religious beliefs of Addis Ababa

Ethiopia is one of the world’s most religious countries in the world, and its capital city is no different. Over 99% of the population is self-described as religious, with the vast majority (77%) identifying as followers of Ethiopian Orthodox—a form of orthodox Christianity. The next largest religious group would be Muslims, with 16.2% of the population, and 7.77% are Protestant. The final religion with any stronghold in Addis Ababa is Catholicism, with 0.48% of the population identifying as believers.

However, recent issues in the city have resulted in the burning of many churches and the deaths of some of their followers or priests as they attempt to protect their churches. Ethnically tinged tensions have resulted in the burning of over 30 churches in two years.

The economy of Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa has a surprisingly diverse economy for a city that struggles with poverty. Official government statistics show that some 119,000 people work in trade and commerce, 113,000 work in manufacturing and industry, 80,000 are homemakers, 71,000 are in civil administration, and 50,000 in transport and communication.

Review Updated: September 7, 2020

Addis Ababa Urban Area Population History

1950 392,000
1951 403,000
1952 415,000
1953 426,000
1954 439,000
1955 451,000
1956 464,000
1957 477,000
1958 491,000
1959 505,000
1960 519,000
1961 534,000
1962 549,000
1963 565,000
1964 581,000
1965 597,000
1966 614,000
1967 632,000
1968 663,000
1969 695,000
1970 729,000
1971 765,000
1972 802,000
1973 841,000
1974 883,000
1975 926,000
1976 971,000
1977 1,018,000
1978 1,068,000
1979 1,120,000
1980 1,175,000
1981 1,233,000
1982 1,293,000
1983 1,356,000
1984 1,420,000
1985 1,476,000
1986 1,534,000
1987 1,595,000
1988 1,658,000
1989 1,723,000
1990 1,791,000
1991 1,861,000
1992 1,935,000
1993 2,011,000
1994 2,090,000
1995 2,144,000
1996 2,189,000
1997 2,234,000
1998 2,281,000
1999 2,328,000
2000 2,377,000
2001 2,426,000
2002 2,476,000
2003 2,528,000
2004 2,581,000
2005 2,634,000
2006 2,689,000
2007 2,750,000
2008 2,871,000
2009 2,996,000
2010 3,126,000
2011 3,263,000
2012 3,405,000
2013 3,554,000
2014 3,709,000
2015 3,871,000
2016 4,040,000
2017 4,216,000
2018 4,400,000
2019 4,592,000
2020 4,794,000
2021 5,006,000
2022 5,228,000
2023 5,461,000
2024 5,704,000
2025 5,957,000

Addis Ababa Urban Area Population Projections

2026 6,219,000
2027 6,490,000
2028 6,770,000
2029 7,057,000
2030 7,352,000
2031 7,655,000
2032 7,965,000
2033 8,282,000
2034 8,607,000
2035 8,939,000

Map of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

All Biggest Cities in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa5M