Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of the Congo Population

Population in Urban Area, now

  • World: 1211th
  • Africa: 151st
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: 14th

Population in City Area, 2016-11-28

  • World: 876th
  • Africa: 111th
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: 7th

Kolwezi Urban Area Population Graph

Kolwezi Urban Area Population History

1950 31,000
1951 32,000
1952 34,000
1953 35,000
1954 37,000
1955 38,000
1956 40,000
1957 42,000
1958 43,000
1959 45,000
1960 48,000
1961 50,000
1962 53,000
1963 56,000
1964 59,000
1965 62,000
1966 66,000
1967 69,000
1968 73,000
1969 77,000
1970 82,000
1971 92,000
1972 103,000
1973 116,000
1974 130,000
1975 146,000
1976 164,000
1977 184,000
1978 207,000
1979 233,000
1980 261,000
1981 293,000
1982 330,000
1983 370,000
1984 416,000
1985 418,000
1986 420,000
1987 422,000
1988 424,000
1989 426,000
1990 428,000
1991 430,000
1992 432,000
1993 434,000
1994 436,000
1995 438,000
1996 440,000
1997 442,000
1998 444,000
1999 446,000
2000 448,000
2001 450,000
2002 452,000
2003 454,000
2004 456,000
2005 459,000
2006 461,000
2007 463,000
2008 465,000
2009 467,000
2010 469,000
2011 471,000
2012 474,000
2013 476,000
2014 478,000
2015 480,000
2016 483,000
2017 485,000
2018 487,000
2019 490,000
2020 495,000
2021 501,000
2022 511,000
2023 523,000
2024 538,000
2025 555,000

Kolwezi Urban Area Population Projections

2026 575,000
2027 597,000
2028 621,000
2029 646,000
2030 672,000
2031 700,000
2032 728,000
2033 757,000
2034 787,000
2035 818,000

Map of Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of the Congo

All Biggest Cities in Democratic Republic of the Congo