Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo Population

Population in Urban Area, now

  • World: 1126th
  • Africa: 140th
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: 12th

Population in City Area, 2021-09-10

  • World: 1382nd
  • Africa: 177th
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: 10th

Kikwit Urban Area Population Graph

Kikwit Urban Area Population History

1950 5,000
1951 6,000
1952 7,000
1953 8,000
1954 10,000
1955 11,000
1956 13,000
1957 16,000
1958 19,000
1959 23,000
1960 27,000
1961 31,000
1962 36,000
1963 42,000
1964 49,000
1965 57,000
1966 66,000
1967 77,000
1968 90,000
1969 104,000
1970 121,000
1971 123,000
1972 125,000
1973 126,000
1974 128,000
1975 130,000
1976 132,000
1977 134,000
1978 136,000
1979 138,000
1980 141,000
1981 143,000
1982 145,000
1983 147,000
1984 149,000
1985 154,000
1986 160,000
1987 165,000
1988 171,000
1989 177,000
1990 183,000
1991 189,000
1992 196,000
1993 203,000
1994 210,000
1995 217,000
1996 224,000
1997 232,000
1998 240,000
1999 248,000
2000 257,000
2001 266,000
2002 275,000
2003 284,000
2004 294,000
2005 304,000
2006 315,000
2007 326,000
2008 337,000
2009 349,000
2010 361,000
2011 373,000
2012 386,000
2013 399,000
2014 413,000
2015 427,000
2016 442,000
2017 458,000
2018 473,000
2019 490,000
2020 507,000
2021 526,000
2022 546,000
2023 568,000
2024 591,000
2025 615,000

Kikwit Urban Area Population Projections

2026 641,000
2027 668,000
2028 696,000
2029 725,000
2030 755,000
2031 786,000
2032 818,000
2033 851,000
2034 885,000
2035 920,000

Map of Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo

All Biggest Cities in Democratic Republic of the Congo